martes, 11 de abril de 2017



When two liquids that evaporate at a different rate ( different roling point)

Liquid is heated; one evaporates first and form vapour; this vapour is collected and cooled

To do dis experiment we need: bunsen burner, round-bottom flask,fracting column, thermometer, water out,condenser and water in.

We put the water in the round-bottom Column.

Then we ingnite the Bunsen burner

The the water pass in the tubes and falls in the recipient

filtration 3

      Coarse sand
      Fine sand
      Elastic band
      Coffee filter

We had to bring a bottle of home and with it make a filtration.
first we had to cut the bottle on the part of the lid, we could put the elements to make a water filtration and the best filtration we look and put in a video.

Is any of vaious mechanical, physical or biological operations that separate solids from fluids (liquids or gases) by adding a medium throught wich only the fluid can pass.